Friday, June 8, 2012

Social Media Influencers

Do you know who are the top social media influencers are?  In today's world a big name influencer can have the same reach and pull as large media outlets. 

There are a few websites out there that let you get a view of how connected people are.

Here is a list of some top Social Media Influencers
Name Pull (X) Total Audience (Followers) Identified Consumer Count Consumer Ratio
Chris Brogan 2,859 193,999 115,810 59%
Ann Handley 2,788 111,619 64,305 57%
Gary Vaynerchuk 2,116 906,833 376,149 41%
Robert Scoble 2,089 220,062 114,630 52%
Scott Stratten 2,079 108,497 69,060 63%
Reg Saddler 1,839 151,673 75,941 50%
Jason Falls 1,821 45,859 30,815 67%
Scott Monty 1,776 63,436 38,815 61%
Mari Smith 1,651 127,973 71,591 55%
Pam Moore 1,458 66,618 38,322 57%

List pulled from Forbes


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